Cedar is a website-based system which we use for tracking student performance at New College. The good news is that parents can use the system, too. Watch the video to see some of the ways that Cedar can help you keep informed with your son/daughter’s progress at New College.
You can see your child’s grades.
Increasingly teachers use Cedar to record more than just the Monthly Assessments, giving you a more data-rich window on your child’s progress.
You can track their progress and attendance, no matter where you are.
As Cedar is a web-based program, you can access it anywhere with an internet connection, and on any platform – desktop, tablet, mobile phone. That means even if you’re away at work, you’ll still know if they made it to period 1.
You can find out the background details by reading their pastoral log.
Praise, problems, commendations, concerns, they’re all posted in the pastoral log. There is no quicker way of finding out what teachers are thinking.
You can contact their teachers directly.
If you find something you want to discuss with their teachers, you can email them directly via Cedar. Teachers will see the message as soon as they check their college email accounts.
You can access Cedar by visiting: http://cedar.ncdoncaster.ac.uk
If you have any problem accessing Cedar, please email: helpdesk@nclt.ac.uk